

Parent Retreat: The Power of Pause
Sunday, March 9

Save the Date

Please join us for a Parent Retreat on Sunday, March 9th from 2:00pm -4:00pm in the St. Ignatius Garden Room.

 In the midst of our busy lives, it is important to make space to slow down and pause. Spend a quiet afternoon with other SI parents in a time of guided reflection and faith sharing. Questions: email Anna-Marie Stouder at: siparentretreat@gmail.com .


Our Ignatian Virtues for February: Loving & Compassionate

Our Ignatian virtues for February are “Loving and Compassionate.”  Students in a Jesuit school are growing to be compassionate towards others, near and far, especially the less fortunate; and loving by their just actions and forgiving words.


Free the Anxious Generation Happy Hour Workshop

How to take back a play-based childhood from a phone based childhood.

“The mass migration of childhood into the virtual world has disrupted social and neurological development.” The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt, https://www.anxiousgeneration.com .

Join us for a webinar, drinks, and conversation.

St. Ignatius School Ministries Room
Thursday, April 10
3:30-5:30 pm

You will receive one regular parent hour for attending.


Annual Auction 2025-TICKETS ON SALE!

Tickets are on sale for our Annual Auction which will take place at Del Paso Country Club on February 22, 2025! You can purchase your tickets and buy-now items today at 


We are having some issues with our QR code. Please use the link listed above in the meantime. We will have the new QR code soon. Thank you for your patience! 


Date Change for Our April Mass
April 9, 2025

Our school Mass for April was originally scheduled for Friday, April 4.  It has been moved to Wednesday, April 9, at 9:15 am. We hope you can join us!


Athletic Hours
Volunteers needed at upcoming Playoff games!

 SI is hosting JV Girls and Varsity Boys playoffs Monday, February 24th – Wednesday, February 26th.  Helper Helper has many Athletic hours available.     For those that need regular Parent hours, Athletic hours count as regular Parent hours too.