Religion is a part of everything that occurs within the school
program, but each day the children have a formal religion class
in which they learn the life of the faith. The children
have textbooks that address the diocesan grade level standards,
and the teachers supplement the texts with many other
materials. They use bibles to read and analyze scripture.
They interpret the scripture in an age-appropriate manner, and
they apply the teachings to their everyday lives. They look at
the scripture from a historical and a geographical perspective.
Within the religion curriculum, the students are encouraged to
discover how their faith impacts their lives. They learn to
celebrate their faith in liturgy and prayer. They learn to
value diversity and protect all of God’s creation. They
celebrate their own self-worth by using their talents to achieve,
to communicate, and to solve problems. They share their
talents with others and seek opportunities for service and
“Only by being a man or woman for others does one
become fully human.” - Pedro Arrupe, S.J.
Based upon Catholic Social Teaching, Scripture (Matthew 25), and
the Corporal Works of Mercy, the goal of the Arrupe Project is to
empower students to become men and women for others through
faith, service, and justice as they demonstrate our school’s
Student Learning Expectation of Being Committed to Doing Justice.
Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous
Teach me to serve as you deserve,
To give and not to count the cost,
To fight and not to heed the wounds,
To labor and not to seek to rest,
To give of myself and not ask for reward,
except in the reward that I am doing your will.
St. Ignatius, pray for us.