1st Grade
Spanish Exit Goals for 1st grade
Los Números 0-15
0 cero
1 uno
2 dos
3 tres
4 cuatro
5 cinco
6 seis
7 siete
8 ocho
9 nueve
10 diez
11 once
12 doce
13 trece
14 catorce
Los Números 16-20
16 diez y seis or dieciséis
17 diez y siete or diecisiete
18 diez y ocho or dieciocho
19 diez y nueve or diecinueve
20 veinte
Students will be able to count to 20 in Spanish.
Students will be able to recognize some of the numbers in order
and out of order.
Los Colores/The Colors
turquesa negro(a)
guinda plateado(a)
Students will be able to identify colors in Spanish.
Students will know about 10 colors out of the 14.
Students will be able to color drawings with the Spanish color
names on them.
Los Saludos y Los Buenos Modales/Greetings and Good Manners
¡Buenos días! De nada
¡Buenas tardes! Por favor
¡Buenas noches!
¡Hasta luego!
Students will be able to respond to simple greetings:
Students will be able to say hi and goodbye.
Students will learn to sing the ‘Buenos Días’ song.
Students will be able to say My name is _______.
Students will be able to say Good morning, good afternoon,
and/or good night to mom/dad.
Students will be able to say “Hi teacher” and “Goodbye
Las Formas/Shapes
El cuadrado
El círculo
El rectángulo
El triángulo
Students will be introduced to the shapes.
Students will be able to play Bingo by recognizing the shape
and color.
En la Clase/In the Classroom
Chair la silla
Table la mesa
Scissors las tijeras
Book el libro
Pencil el lápiz
Eraser el borrador
Window la ventana
Door la puerta
Paper el papel
Notebook el cuaderno
Desk el escritorio or el mesabanco or el pupitre
Pen la pluma
Students will be able to identify some classroom objects in
Los Animales/The Animals
Dog el perro
Cat el gato
Chicken la gallina
Rooster el gallo
Rabbit el conejo
Cow la vaca
Horse el caballo
Pig el cerdo or
el puerco
Students will be able to identify some of the animals in Spanish.
Las Frutas/The Fruits
Apple la manzana
Banana el plátano
Orange la naranja
Pear la pera
Grapes las uvas
Students will be able to identify some of the fruits in