We Need Each Other
The Friendzy program provides simple, memorable ways for your student to learn and practice God’s design for friendship. Every month we will introduce to the entire school campus one Catchphrase and two corresponding Key Verses for students to learn and practice. In class, we will spend 20-40 minutes weekly focusing on the Catchphrase and Key Verses with activities, games, and group discussions.
We hope that by providing students the opportunity to learn about and practice life skills like teamwork, self-management, responsible decision making, goal setting, emotional literacy, and conflict resolution, students will have an increased capacity to reach and even surpass our rigorous academic goals. Most importantly, we believe that Friendzy will make the message of Jesus come to life in a way that will increase each student’s desire and ability to apply and live out God’s word.
This month, we are focused on the idea that WE NEED EACH OTHER.
Key Verses:
“The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for man to be alone.” – Genesis 2:18
“Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up!” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Goal: To create a culture of building up versus tearing down.
We encourage you to Continue the Conversation with your student at home! Here are the main points your student will learn this month:
- God designed us for friendship. We are not meant to be alone.
- We are stronger and better together. Friendships are stronger when we encourage and build each other up instead of tearing one another down. We need each other. We each have an important part to play, and a team needs every one of its players to succeed.
- We need each other for encouragement! We are going to practice encouraging and building each other up all year. When friends feel seen, and their emotions are recognized, they are more likely to feel like you understand them; this will allow them to more easily accept your encouragement.
Ask your child to share ways others have encouraged them and built them up. You may even ask your child to share about a time they felt encouraged by you. This will give you a window into how you can continue to encourage them!
When kids learn friendship, they learn it for life!