Catholic School Advisory Commission
St. Ignatius Parish School’s Catholic School Advisory Commission (CSAC) is a diocesan-mandated advisory board that works with the school administration and the pastor to formulate school policy and promote the mission of the school.
CSAC’s purpose is to advise our school’s Pastor (Fr. Tom Lucas, S.J.) and Principal (Mrs. Patty Lane) regarding the operation of St. Ignatius Parish School. Principal Lane is directly responsible for: Mission and Catholic Identity, Governance and Leadership, Academic Excellence, and Operational Vitality. She reports directly to the Regional Director (Janet Nagel) and Father Tom with respect to these matters. CSAC interacts with our Principal and Pastor to address any issues in these areas and to formulate school policies, establish the school’s annual budget, foster parent engagement, and to engage in long-range and strategic planning, marketing and development activities.
CSAC is composed of school parents appointed to serve in various voting-member roles. Generally, CSAC has a President, Vice President, and Member-at-Large. CSAC also has various standing committees and, from time to time, ad hoc committees. The current standing committees of CSAC include the Annual Fund/Development Committee, the Marketing/Communications Committee, the Catholicity/Mission Effectiveness Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Facilities/Security Committee. CSAC also includes a Faculty Representative and a Parent Club Representative.
Members of CSAC work for the common good of St. Ignatius Parish School. CSAC members also agree to support the school’s Mission Statement, promote the goals of our school’s Catholic and Jesuit education, assure that any controversial issues are presented and considered fairly and without bias, avoid conflicts of interest and maintain the confidentiality of any privileged information that may be discussed in executive session.
Any St. Ignatius parishioner or parent, twenty-one years of age or older, and whose child or children attend the school may be appointed to serve on CSAC. Candidates for membership must demonstrate a positive attitude toward the philosophy of St. Ignatius Parish School and agree to fulfill all of his or her various member-related responsibilities.
New membership is determined each year by a nominating process and ultimate appointment by the school Principal. Members serve for three-year terms that are staggered to provide continuity.
CSAC generally meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm. CSAC meets either in the Parish Offices or via Zoom. CSAC welcomes any parent who wishes to attend a meeting, although please note that sometimes CSAC may need to engage in an executive session that will only be open to current members. Minutes from CSAC’s past meetings of the current school year are also posted on the school’s website.