Hours and Financial Commitments for 2017-2018
All Parent Club, athletics, and financial commitments for the 2017-2018 school year were due April 15, 2018. This includes: parent hours, fundraising dollars, gift card purchases, and athletic hours. Tuition, extended services fees, and any other school fees may not be complete but they must be current as of April 15, 2018.
1. Parent Hours
The parent hours data on Schoolspeak is current and
complete. Check your hours on Schoolspeak and contact
Heather Reeves at hhreeves@outlook.com if you have any questions.
2. Athletic Hours
Check your athletic hours on Schoolspeak and contact Mike
Rosales, MrRosale@egusd.net if you have any questions.
3. Fundraising Dollars
Fundraising dollars data on Schoolspeak is almost complete.
We will be adding more data from Gala. Check your data on
Schoolspeak and if you have questions about fundraising dollars
data from any source other than Gala, contact Heather Reeves,
hhreeves@outlook.com .
4. Gift Card Program
Gift Card Program information on Schoolspeak is complete for
purchases made through March 31. Purchases from April 1-15
will be added soon. If you have any questions about Gift
Card purchases contact Audra Wake, audra@thewakefamily.com .
5. Tuition, Extended Services, and Registration
If you need to bring your tuition, extended services, or
registration fees current, contact Laura Legrand,
llegrand@stignatiussacschool.org .
When we have finished processing all data we will send you a detailed end of year report.