
Lenten Promises

At Ash Wednesday mass, Father Mike spoke of the many ways we can pray, fast, and give alms during this Lenten season.  In 6th grade we discussed Lent being a pilgrimage with the goal of changing our hearts and bringing us closer to Jesus.  Each student thought of way they could pray, fast, and give alms that will help them on their Lenten journey.  Below are some examples of their Lenten promises.


  • I will pray more before bed.
  • I can pray during Lent by going to a quiet place.
  • I will pray for the less fortunate.
  • This Lenten season I will pray for people and animals who are going through hard times.
  • During Lent I will pray before every meal.
  • I can praise God and thank him more often.
  • I want to pray for the retired military veterans that are suffering.
  • I want to give thanks for everyone God has put in my life.
  • During Lent I will focus on strengthening my relationship with God.
  • This Lent I can pray for the sick.
  • I will pray for all those who have helped me, cared for me, and protected me.
  • I will pray for forgiveness of my sins.
  • One way I can pray during Lent is by praying for those who are going to receive a sacrament.
  • I will participate in the Stations of the Cross.


  • I will stop fighting with my brothers.
  • I will fast from jealousy this Lenten season.
  • I will give up candy and make more of an effort to make myself healthy.
  • I will give up calling others names.
  • I will not lie to my parents.
  • I want to give up negative thoughts and being disrespectful to others.
  • I am going to try to give up all drama and fighting.
  • I will give up drinking soda and focus on things that are good for me instead.
  • I will give up taking from others and focus more on giving.
  • I will fast from saying bad words.


  • I will show more gratitude.
  • I can give to food and clothing drives.
  • During Lent I will give alms by helping, giving advice, and being honest with my friends.
  • I will do chores before I am told to.
  • One way I can give alms this Lent is by helping my brother with his homework with a better attitude.
  • I will be more patient with my parents.
  • I will donate my old clothes and toys to Goodwill.
  • For almsgiving, I will volunteer at Sharing God’s Bounty.
  • During this Lenten season, I can give alms by spending more time with my sister.
  • I will visit a friend in the hospital.
  • I will donate half my weekly allowance to charity.
  • I will give more time to those that feel left out.