SI Parent Club Sponsorship Packages
Here are the 3 simple reasons you should consider being a 2022-2023 Parent Club Sponsor:
- Get tickets and exclusive marketing at our SI events throughout the year
- Sponsorship packages count towards your fulfillment of fundraising and regular parent club hours
- Support your school and get a nice tax credit
We should also mention these amazing sponsorships display your business to a target rich audience of SI Families and the parish community including:
- Exclusive marketing at SI events
- Parking lot signage
- Inclusion on the school website and MORE!
Our school families want and appreciate doing business with members of our community, and we look forward to sharing your family name or business services with all of SI.
For more information on the packages and what’s included please refer to the document linked below. Signups and more information can be found on Schoolspeak.
Any further questions, please contact your SI sponsorship chairs. Thank you for your consideration!
Catherine Bettar -
Mcclina Woods-