
Welcome Back to School
Principal's Letter - August 2015

Dear St Ignatius Families,

The time is almost upon us!!  We are very excited about 2015-2016.  The energy level is high.  We have been busy with finishing touches in the classrooms, dispersing new textbooks, uploading programs on our sixty new Chromebooks (thank you, Parent Club), and the teachers are in the classrooms eagerly preparing for your children.  Many of us have taken summer courses to better serve your children, meetings and discussions regarding curriculum and additional student support have occurred, and in the midst of all that we  have continued meeting regarding the plans for our new buildings and the Capital Campaign.  Last year, we contracted with CA Safe Schools to ensure that all our current security/safety concerns were addressed.   We are pleased to share that our plan has been completed and look forward to its implementation.    CA Safe Schools has also been part of the discussions with the new building, accessibility and foot traffic patterns and the security of our children during the construction. We have representatives from the school Advisory Council and  school and parish leadership who are  ensuring that all needs are being addressed. The rep from CA Safe Schools will be addressing the parent community about our plans and will be available to answer any questions on the evening of Oct. 13 at 6pm and all are invited.  I am sure most of you have witnessed the flooring in the Church and the work done on our pews.  The Church looks beautiful. We will celebrate the beginning of the new school-year with the Mass of the Holy Spirit on Friday, Sept. 4, 2015 at 9am.  All Are Welcome!!

This year as a school community, we will focus on several areas that make us unique as a Jesuit School.  The first is the motto of our Jesuit companions, “For the Greater Glory of God.”  All our actions, thoughts, and prayers are with the purpose of doing our best, “magis,” in God’s name.   From preschool-8th grade, we will provide ample opportunities for our children, staff, and families as well as our parent groups, athletic teams, and clubs to reflect on our daily lives, our work and decisions, our relationships and faith as we strive to do God’s work.  About, every other month, we will introduce a new aspect of our Ignatian Spirituality.   We will be sharing more information, work will be done in the classrooms, and opportunities to learn more and grow deeper in understanding about all aspects of our faith is a commitment that we share with all our families this year.  


Patty Kochis


Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

For the Greater Glory of God

I have a few important  odds and ends that I want to share with you.  Please take a minute to read these:  

  • The August/September Hot Lunch Order is included in this email. Orders are due in one week, on the second day of school, Friday, 8/21, so please be sure to look at it below.
  • The milk order is also below.  This is your only opportunity to order milk for the entire school year so please place your order this week, it is also due in one week, on the second day of school, Friday, 8/21.
  • Movie Night is Friday, August 28, there are more details below.
  • Picture Day is September 3rd and directions to order pictures are below.
  • Physicals for Fall Sports are due August 17. You can download the form below.
  • By contracting with Schoolspeak we are now able to offer our families the ability to submit and track Parent Hours, receive student information such as progress reports and report cards online, and as you all just recently experienced, registration and all family information is submitted online. This new system will allow all school groups to work more efficiently. Please be sure that all your information in Schoolspeak is complete and accurate because this is our primary source for all your family information.
  • We have a GREAT website that we work hard to keep updated.  Please always check the school calendar on the site for updated information.  If you click on the event, you will most likely find more information.  The website is full of information.  Please check the website before you call the school office or your child’s teacher to get information.  We are very proud of the work that has gone into this great site.
  • Uniform change….This change has been posted on our website, but I wanted to bring it to everyone’ attention:  For all students preschool – 8th grade…  WHITE CREW SOCKS ONLY.  These must be clearly visible a few inches above the ankle.  Girls may wear knee socks or tights that are white, red, navy blue, or black.  Leggings are not permitted.  
  • School begins this on Aug. 20, 2015.  Parent Club will be hosting coffee and donuts in the Parish Center Garden Room immediately after drop off.  
  • Back to School Night is Aug. 20, 2015. – ADULTS ONLY

5:30pm: ​Mandatory Meeting for students who will be participating in athletics 5th-8th grade.(Parish Center Garden Room)

6:00pm​: Hosted information in the Parish Center Gym.  Opportunity to sign up for fundraisers, ​and to hear important information from Fr. Mike and Craig Zarro regarding the Capital Campaign-including what the plan is while the construction is taking place.

7:00pm​: Head to your child’s classroom to hear important information regarding the 2015-16 school-year.  

8:00pm: ​Evening should be completed.